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홈으로 > DOMAIN > FAQ

Total : 7

재미있는 인터넷 테이블
7 question What is the qualification of registration ?
answerRegistrant must abide by the following terms and conditions

1. Registrants must have the local presence within Korea
2. Registrants must meet certain that is classified by characteristics of the 2nd level domains How do I register a kr domain name?
First, check the availability of the domain name, and then register the domain name through the website of authorized agencies that you choose.

6 question Is it possible to register a domain name at KRNIC website directly ?
answerNo, To register a .kr domain name, you have to visit .kr Authorized Agencies website. A list of Authorized Agencies is available at go>>
5 question What kinds of .kr Domain Names are there ?
What kinds of .kr Domain Names are there ?
English(.kr) Korean(.한국)
2nd level kr domain 3rd level kr domain hanguel.한국(.hankuk)
e.g.) 한국인터넷진흥원.한국
한글.kr domain
ex) 한국인터넷진흥원.kr
english.kr domain
ex) kisa.kr
e.g.) kisa.or.kr
4 question What is the available letters in registration of a domain name ?
What is the available letters in registration of a domain name ?
2nd level kr domain 3rd level kr domain .한국(.hankuk)
한글.kr english.kr
Alphabet[no distinction of capital letters / small letters] Korean[2,350 syllables] Numbers[0-9], hyphen[-] ※Not allowed for the registration with the composition of numbers and hyphen only. Alphabet[no distinction of capital letters / small letters] Numbers[0-9] hyphen[-] unicode 한글(hanguel) Alphabet 11,172 [A-Z] [a-z] Numbers [0-9] hyphen[-]
* Domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen. No special characters allowed for the domain name
3 question Where can I get the information on the domain registration ?
answer Registrant is able to obtain the information on the domain registration, go>>
2 question What is .kr Authorized Agency ?
answerkr Authorized Agency is an accredited proxy of KISA to carry out a certain part of the domain name registration process according to the Act on Internet Address Resources.
1 question How many .kr Authorized Agencies are there, and who are the authorized agencies ?
answerThe information of the kr authorized agencies is available a go>>

